
an audiologist using a specialized ear doctors tool to examine a patients ear

The Hidden Risks of Hearing Loss

People of all ages are susceptible to hearing loss, although it is frequently disregarded or ignored. While hearing loss can be treated or at least supported no matter where you are on the spectrum, it’s hard for people to admit they need that kind of support. The truth is that hearing loss can have repercussions […]

childs ear is being examined using hearing instrument

Why Do I Hear White Noise? It May Be Tinnitus

If you regularly experience the sound of white noise in one or both of your ears, it may cause serious disruption to your life. While there are rare cases where it could be phantom ring syndrome or other underlying issues, tinnitus is the far more likely reason.  Whether the presence of white noise is due […]

hearing specialist using a specialized tool to examine patients inner ear

The First Signs of Age-Related Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is one of the most common medical issues experienced by older people. It is not uncommon for our hearing to decline as we get older, and that is why it is so important that we are all able to recognize the first signs of age-related hearing loss. The sooner we are able to […]

family fishing on vacation

5 Tips for Better Hearing While Traveling

If you’re traveling overseas, you can expect to encounter exotic locations and people; you can also expect to encounter a new soundscape. There will be lots of unknowns on the journey, so it’s a good idea to prepare for every eventuality. Read on for more information about how to look after hearing devices as your […]

hearing aid demonstration inside clear plastic model ear

Hearing Aids vs Cochlear Implants

Hearing loss can affect people at any stage of life. Some people are affected by age-related hearing loss, others by noise-induced hearing loss and others still are affected by congenital hearing loss from birth. There are two devices to treat the condition hearing aids and cochlear implants.  Cochlear implants and hearing aids are very different. […]

hand holding a pile of various hearing aid styles

What To Know before Buying Over-the-Counter Hearing Aids

Over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids have made headlines recently because of the new FDA ruling on them and their designed usage. Selecting a hearing aid is an important step in your journey to better hearing, so it’s critical you find the best device for you. When considering OTC hearing aids, it’s crucial to understand their capabilities, […]

woman in pain and distress

How to Recognize the First Signs of Tinnitus

Knowing how to spot the signs of tinnitus is the first step toward getting help. People can have many different kinds of tinnitus, which can vary in how bad they are. When you have tinnitus, many things happen. Depending on how much of an effect it has on your day-to-day life, you may only become […]

hearing specialist using a specialized tool to examine patients inner ear

The Dangers of Ear Candling

Ear candles are hollow fabric cones wrapped with beeswax, paraffin wax or soy wax. The majority of ear candles are roughly a foot long. The candle’s pointed end is inserted into your ear. The somewhat broader end is lit. The warmth provided by the flame, according to proponents of this therapy, generates suction. Earwax and […]

young woman showing off her hearing aids

6 Ways to Get Used to Hearing Aids

If you’ve never used hearing aids before, it might take some time for you to become acclimated to them. With all the new noises and sensations that your brain has forgotten in previous years, you’re also learning how they function. You should not hesitate to contact your audiologist between sessions if you have any questions […]