The Connection Between Hearing Loss And Overall Physical Health

anxious looking woman holding a hand to ear

It’s often disregarded how drastically hearing loss can influence physical health, yet it is incredibly influential to one’s overall well-being. Not only does this condition lessen a person’s ability to hear, but it can also cause social seclusion, unhappiness, and heightened susceptibility to serious illnesses too. To learn more about these potentially dangerous risks related to hearing impairment and how you can protect yourself from them proactively, consider the points discussed below.

The Connection Between Hearing Loss and Physical Health 

Hearing loss has a wide-reaching impact on physical health. It can affect the ability to communicate effectively, leading to social isolation and depression, as well as an increased risk of developing other serious medical conditions. Recent studies have revealed that there is a strong connection between hearing loss and overall physical health; those with untreated impairments are at greater risk for certain chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. In addition, individuals with hearing impairments are more likely to experience falls or cognitive decline due to impaired communication abilities caused by their hearing impairment.

Potential Risks of Untreated Hearing Loss 

Untreated hearing loss can lead to a wide range of physical health risks. In addition to increasing an individual’s risk for certain chronic diseases, it may also lead to an increased risk of falls and cognitive decline. It is a possibility that individuals with untreated hearing impairments often have difficulty communicating, which may lead to social isolation and depression. This can, in turn, increase the risk of developing conditions such as Type 2 diabetes, hypertension, obesity and cardiovascular disease. Furthermore, those with hearing loss are at greater risk for cognitive decline due to impaired communication abilities. 

Impact of Isolation on Overall Physical Well-being 

Social isolation can have a considerable effect on people’s physical health. Research has uncovered that those with untreated hearing impairments are more likely to undergo social disconnection, which may lead to various physical conditions such as raised blood pressure, an augmented chance of having cardiovascular diseases and stroke, along with the potential for depression. Those with hearing problems are particularly exposed to the perils of being alone as they have limited capacity to communicate adequately and process information rapidly. Consequently, they might be unable to take part in entertaining activities or join conversations in groups which could result not only in isolation but also frustration. All these elements may collaborate towards a decrease in physical health if ignored altogether.

Potentially Dangerous Effects on Cardiovascular Health 

Recent research has found a strong correlation between untreated hearing loss and cardiovascular health. Those with untreated impairments are more likely to experience higher blood pressure and an increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease, as well as stroke. This is thought to be due to the social isolation that often results from hearing loss. It is also possible that those who live with communication disabilities may also be less likely to see their doctor for regular check-ups, leading to an increased risk of developing serious medical conditions such as cardiovascular disease or stroke. Additionally, the inability to communicate effectively can lead to greater levels of stress and anxiety, which can further increase one’s risk for cardiovascular problems.

Link Between Hearing Loss and Diabetes 

Recent research has illuminated a surprising yet strong connection between hearing loss and diabetes. Individuals who experience untreated hearing deficits may be more prone to developing Type 2 diabetes or prediabetes due to the social isolation caused by their impairment. Difficulty in communicating with others can lead to higher levels of stress hormones circulating throughout one’s body, heightening insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. What this means is that without proper treatment for hearing loss, an increased risk of diabetes looms on the horizon! Additionally, those with hearing impairments may be less likely to go for regular check-ups, meaning any issues with insulin resistance or glucose intolerance will not be caught quickly enough for proper treatment. 

Hearing loss can have a significant impact on physical health. Not only is there an increased risk of developing various underlying medical conditions, but the social isolation that often results from untreated hearing loss can also lead to accelerated cognitive decline.

It is important for individuals with hearing loss to seek appropriate treatment in order to reduce their risk of developing physical health issues and lead a healthier lifestyle. There are a wide range of treatments available and our team would be happy to go over these options with you! For more information and to set up an appointment, give Professional Hearing Aid Associates a call at (785) 940-4101.